National Coming Out Day 2021: More Than Just a Day

“I don’t think National Coming Out Day should be about pressuring people out of the closet though, which unfortunately I’ve seen happen in the past. Everyone's story is different, and everyone is on a different point in their journey; sharing our experiences can helps us feel connected and inspired – and even if you don’t have a story to share yet, it doesn’t mean this day isn’t for you.”

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#ProudToBeWell: How To Empower Your Full Spectrum of Emotions

When we first learn about emotions, most of us learn three feelings: I feel happy, sad or angry. The truth is, emotions are a little more complex. Sometimes you might feel multiple things at once, or there’s an emotion behind the emotion.

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Gender Diversity at Sheridan

As part of our continued efforts to cultivate an inclusive space for all students at Sheridan, our Board of Directors recently passed a motion publicly affirming their support for trans and gender-diverse communities. Your TRC Vice President, Cory, shares why this is so important, not only here at Sheridan, but in the broader community as well.

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