Black History Month 2025
Celebrating the Mosaic: Black is Limitless
In celebration of Black History Month 2025, Sheridan proudly presents our theme “Celebrating the Mosaic: Black is Limitless”. This focus invites us all to explore the richness of Black people and cultures in totality – as a limitless, ever-evolving collection of both personal and collective experiences. It calls on each member of our vibrant community to examine their own personal relationship and connection to Black History, cultures and identities.
The statement “Black is Limitless” serves multiple purposes. First, as an affirmational reminder that Black people and cultures have been and continue to be trailblazers in our communities and world. This theme invites us to explore the diversity within Black history, from social change and justice movements to art, culture, health, wellness, tech, and beyond. In recognizing the contributions of Black folks across a variety of disciplines, facets of life and moments in time, we can approach our exploration from an expansive, intersectional and inclusive lens.
With this in mind, we unite as a community for
Black History Month 2025 with a focus on:
Celebrating the Mosaic: Black is Limitless
“Black is Limitless” is also an invitation and call to action for our community to actively participate in reimagining the term “Black”. We each play a pivotal role in the upliftment and advancement of Black people and the hope is that in naming the diversity within Black cultures and exploring both individual subjectivity and communal experiences, we can foster opportunities for meaningful change. Together, we can honour and celebrate the term the term “Black” to capture both individual and collective experiences and in doing so, empower us all to approach understanding, supporting and advocating for Black folks from a fresh perspective.
This theme invites us all to reflect, interrogate, reclaim and celebrate the range of hues and histories that contribute to our understanding of Black people and cultures.
bhm 2025 Events
Black History Month Creative Reflection Contest:
Submit Your Reflection For A Chance to WIN up to $750
We are excited to announce 8 students as our 2024 Black History Month Creative Reflection Contest Winners. Please join us in congratulating our past 2024 Black History Month Creative Reflection Contest Winners:
BHM 2025 Community Events
Outside of the Sheridan campuses, there’s lots of community events and opportunities available.
February 12, 2025 - February 17, 2025 - Get the details now
The Toronto Black Film Festival (TBFF), presented by TD Bank Group (TD) in collaboration with Global News, is celebrating its 11th anniversary with a return to IN-PERSON programming, and an online component. Created by the Fabienne Colas Foundation, the game-changing Toronto Black Film Festival will bring innovative, powerful, diverse, and bold programming to Toronto audiences, while also maintaining online accessibility.
More Ways We’ve Celebrated Black History Month
The Black Excellence Committee has created a new mentorship program to empower Black Students at Sheridan College. Interested in getting involved as a mentee or mentor?
Black Student Associations & Clubs At Sheridan
Sheridan’s Black Students Association is a group of Black students and allies who aim to promote black excellence and representation across Sheridan.
Looking for a club to join?
Honouring Our Commitments
We’re proud of the steps that Sheridan has taken over the last few years to address systemic racism – concrete actions like offering employee training in unconscious bias, human rights and anti-racism; creating bursaries for Black students in need as part of our participation in the Black North initiative; identifying and addressing equity concerns within our learning environments; and hiring more Black, Indigenous and racialized faculty members.
Increased awareness of our diverse counselling staff comprised of practitioners who have expertise in providing developmental and solution-focused counselling in higher education, from a culturally responsive, anti-oppressive lens.
As part of Sheridan's continued commitment to EDI, we offer ongoing training and development to our counselling staff in this area.
Recognizing that students may also access our 24/7 External Counselling Resources, we aim to increase awareness of external services like Empower Me and Keep Me Safe which can provide students with counsellors with diverse representation.
Dedication of resources to research the current narrative and experiences of racialized students, and provide an environmental review with recommendations for standards and supports for mental health and well-being. -
We’ve committed to modifying hiring practices, encouraging more diverse representation within all faculties and across Sheridan.
Building partnerships with organizations such as Black Business Professionals Association and the Black Professionals in Tech Network and connecting to diverse job boards such as Equitek, Canada’s foremost National Diversity Outreach Strategy to broaden the reach of opportunities at Sheridan.
Updated hiring guide and training modules provided to educate leaders on successfully running a recruitment process that is reflective of Sheridan’s commitment to EDI.
Sheridan has also committed to the 50-30 Challenge, which is an opportunity to advance diversity and inclusion by working towards 50% gender parity and 30% representation of under-represented groups in Boards and at senior management levels. Here is a link with some further details: -
Office of the Registrar has allocated funding for Black students to help off-set the costs of their Sheridan education with the inclusion of a self-identification question on the general bursary application.
For the Fall 2020 term, OTR disbursed $366,000 to 3,646 students.
In Fall 2021, Sheridan Student Union introduces SSU’s Diversity in Education Award to recognize the impact of race as a social construct.
Understand Our History
The Promised Land reveals the Chatham-Kent area as a crucial settlement site for an early Black presence in Canada. The contributors present the everyday lives and professional activities of individuals and families in these communities and highlight early cross-border activism to end slavery in the United States and to promote civil rights in the United States and Canada. Essays also reflect on the frequent intermingling of local Black, White, and First Nations people. Using a cultural studies framework for their collective investigations, the authors trace physical and intellectual trajectories of Blackness that have radiated from southern Ontario to other parts of Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, and Africa. The result is a collection that represents the presence and diffusion of Blackness and inventively challenges the grand narrative of history. By Boulou de b'Beri, Nina Reid-Maroney, and Handel K. Wright. Available at the Sheridan Library
In the 1960s, the city of Halifax razed the Black community of Africville under a program of urban renewal and ‘slum clearance.’ The city defended its actions by citing the deplorable living conditions in Africville, ignoring its own role in the creation of these conditions through years of neglect and the refusal of essential services. In the 1980s, the city created a park on Africville’s former site, which has been a place of protest and commemoration for Black citizens since its opening. As yet, however, the city has not issued a formal apology to Africville residents and has paid no further compensation. Razing Africville examines this history as the prolonged eviction of a community from its own space. By examining a variety of sources – urban planning texts, city council documents, news media, and academic accounts – Jennifer J. Nelson illustrates how Africville went from a slum to a problem to be solved and, more recently, to a public space in which past violence is rendered invisible. by Jennifer Nelson. Available through the Sheridan Library
Through in-depth qualitative and quantitative research with African Canadians in three Canadian cities – Calgary, Toronto and Halifax – this book explores how experiences of racism, combined with other social and economic factors, affect the health and well-being of African Canadians. With a special interest in how racial stereotyping impacts Black men and boys, this book shares stories of racism and violence and explores how experiences and interpretations of, and reactions to, racism differ across a range of social and economic variables. Rejecting the notion that Black communities are homogeneous, this book gives a detailed examination of three distinct communities: Caribbean, immigrant African and Canadian Black. The authors also explore how individuals, families and communities can better understand and challenge racism. By Akua Benjamin, David Este, Carl James, Bethan Lloyd, Wanda Thomas Bernard, and Tana Turner. Available through the Sheridan Library
Using an impressive array of primary and secondary materials, Robin Winks details the diverse experiences of Black immigrants to Canada, including Black slaves brought to Nova Scotia and the Canadas by Loyalists at the end of the American Revolution, Black refugees who fled to Nova Scotia following the War of 1812, Jamaican Maroons, and fugitive slaves who fled to British North America. He also looks at Black West Coast businessmen who helped found British Columbia, particularly Victoria, and Black settlement in the prairie provinces. Throughout Winks explores efforts by African-Canadians to establish and maintain meaningful lifestyles in Canada. The Blacks in Canada investigates the French and English periods of slavery, the abolitionist movement in Canada, and the role played by Canadians in the broader continental antislavery crusade, as well as Canadian adaptations to nineteenth- and twentieth-century racial mores. The second edition includes a new introduction by Winks on changes that have occurred since the book's first appearance and where African-Canadian studies stands today. by Robin W. Winks.
Available through the Sheridan Library
Continuing To Learn
We were reminded of the continued existence of anti-Black racism worldwide and will continue to reinforce the importance of educating ourselves on our privileges and perceptions, and the need for difficult conversations. This month is a reminder to seek support when we need it. We know that the lived experiences of Black students, their families and their friends are unique, and the challenges faced can be overwhelming at times.
Much more remains to be done. Anti-racism demands real, structural change. As a learning institution, it is our role to provide create a safe and inclusive space for our community to learn, grow, and have vital conversations. It is our responsibility to advocate for the safety and well-being of our community members, and lead by example with action. Take a look at Sheridan’s Library Guide and more book recommendations here:
Amplifying Sheridan Voices
Connect with Others
Accounts to follow:
1. @larissa_speaks: Larissa Crawford, Founder of Future Ancestors Services Inc, is a bringing climate justice, disability and anti-racist knowledge to the world with 14+ years of experience.
2. @rachel.cargle: Rachel Elizabeth Cargle is working on building an intellectual legacy through teaching, storytelling and critical discourse.
3. @iamrachelricketts: Rachel Ricketts is a racial justice educator, spiritual activist, change maker, healer and author.
3. @theconsciouskid: An account that’s focus is parenting and education through a critical race lens.
4. @blklivesmatter - The is the official account for the #BlackLivesMatter Global Network. BLM is a call to action & response to anti-Black racism.
5. @blackandvulnerable: A community page, started by Keosha Love to redefine vulnerability and create healing spaces to de-stigmatize mental health.
Support Each Other in our Journey
A crisis or traumatic event can trigger overwhelming emotional responses. People are impacted and respond to these events in different ways. There is no reason to suffer in silence. We encourage anyone who is struggling to seek professional help.
Any students seeking comfort and support are able to access Counselling Services by calling The Centre for Student Success at:
Davis Campus: (905) 459 -7533 ext. 5400
Hazel McCallion Campus: (905) 459 - 7533 ext. 2528
Trafalgar Road Campus: (905) 845 - 9430 ext. 2557You can also email to make an appointment with a Counsellor.
Sheridan Student Union Health and Dental coverage includes Empower Me, which allows students to connect with qualified counsellors, consultants, and life coaches for a variety of issues.
As a Sheridan student, you are entitled to sessions delivered in person, by telephone, by video-counselling, or by e-counselling.
Contact them at their toll free number, 1-844-741-6389 or visit the Empower Me Login page.
Quotes to Inspire Us Now & In The Future
Feel free to download these for your phone or desktop backgrounds, share with friends or print them out for yourself!