Creative Corner

Celebrate Creativity at Sheridan

Welcome to the SSU’s Creative Corner, a hub for the creatives at Sheridan (and the ones who love to celebrate art). Whether you’re looking to spot artwork on campus, submit a fun illustration or drawing, want to hear from students about what it’s like to be a student and an artist, this is the place for you!

Stop by our Creative Corner Pop-ups from 12pm -2pm in the Student Centre Atriums!

  • March 10th TRC and HMC

  • March 14th Davis



Comics Pop-Ups: February Showcase!

Creative Corner Comics Pop-Up is a monthly comic-making experience. Each month, we provide comic templates, art supplies, and an open-ended theme to inspire your creation. Check out what students came up with during February’s Pop-Up!



Art on Campus

Have you seen (or drawn) on the Graffiti Wall at TRAF? Take a pic of any artwork you spot on campus, and let us celebrate what you see.



Everyday Artwork

With so many creative students at Sheridan and lots of unseen potential and work. This part of Creative Corner is all about sharing your accomplishment or projects you worked on (in or or outside of school!)


Submit Your Work



Contests, Reflections & Archives



Art Talks Blog Series

Students across different programs at Sheridan share a closer look at the highs and lows of being an art student in college. Take a look at these blogs to learn more about how art and creativity impacts their Sheridan Life.