Our next Annual General Meeting will be held
on Tuesday, February 25, 2025!
What is an AGM?
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a chance for students to directly impact the direction of the SSU. At the AGM, you can share your voice with your student leaders by voting on proposed SSU Bylaws changes, approving the SSU's audited financial statements, and providing feedback to the SSU. You also get the opportunity to review and approve proposed ByLaw amendments. The most recent AGM was held on March 6, 2023. Click here to view the official ByLaws that have been approved by the membership.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each Sheridan Student has the right to vote at the AGM or Special General Meeting. According to our bylaws, the attendance of Clubs Presidents and the current Board of Directors is mandatory. If a Club President cannot attend the meeting, a Proxy form must be filled out to allow another member to represent the Club President. All those attending as a proxy must declare it, when asked, at the commencement of the Meeting.
Documents to Read Before You Attend AGM:
Any member wishing to propose amendments or revisions to SSU Bylaws may submit a request through the process outlined in Section 11.3 of the SSU Bylaws. A Bylaw Proposal Form can be requested from the Chief Returning Officer by email at: ssui.cro@sheridancollege.ca
Frequently Asked Questions
This guide has been prepared to provide a summary of the proper practices that are used in an Annual General Meeting.
The AGM of the organizational members shall be held on a specific day in each year, within the financial year, and at a time determined by the Board through resolution. The meeting will take place at the Organization’s head office or any satellite office.
Each student who has paid the student experience fee is a member of the Corporation unless or until their membership is terminated (see by-laws for details). Membership is not transferable and will terminate if the member ceases to be qualified as outlined herein. Each member is entitled to the following:
The right to one (1) vote in a general election for each of the positions on the Board representing their principal campus of enrolment;
The right to nominate candidates for any elected positions of the Organization;
The right to stand for election and to hold office provided they meet eligibility qualifications;
The right to vote in any referenda called by the Board;
The right to vote at any general meeting of the members;
The right to form or join a club or association under guidelines and policies established by the Board, unless this privilege is revoked by the Board; and,
The right to receive or benefit from any service offered by the Organization, unless the Board revokes this privilege.
The purpose of an AGM is to give members an opportunity each year to meet the directors, ask questions, receive fiscal transparency, obtain information about the organization. It is also the opportunity for members to vote on changes and additions to the by-laws that govern the Sheridan Student Union.
In regular circumstances, the Sheridan Student Union will hold our AGM on our campuses, rotating between each campus. This year AGM will be held at our HMC Campus.
Not less than twenty (20) business days’ notice in writing shall be given to each member of any annual or special general meeting of members. Such notices shall be given in at least two (2) forms of communication, including email, posted notices, SheridanLife radio, the Corporation’s website, and/or the Corporation’s social media accounts. Proper notice of any meeting where special business will be discussed should contain sufficient information to allow the member to form a reasonable judgment on the decisions to be made.
Quorum at any general meeting shall consist of thirty (30) members present in person or virtually in extraneous circumstances (including existing executives of the Board). Members may vote by proxy, provided that a member may not hold a proxy for more than one other member.
A member may, by means of a written proxy, appoint another voting member of the Corporation to attend and act at a general meeting of members, in the manner and to the extent authorized by the proxy.
You will often hear the word "motion" during the AGM and Board Meetings. A motion is a formal proposal presented to the membership for a decision. Members can vote in favor, against, or abstain. When a motion is presented, it is explained, and members have the opportunity to ask questions. Your decision on the motion is important, respected, and valued. Be sure to ask questions to make an informed decision, as your choices will impact your student experience. -
A proxy is authorized to act on your behalf, including voting on motions during the AGM. However, the proxy only has one vote. If you need a proxy, a proxy form must be completed during the registration process.
If you are a Club President who is unable to attend the AGM, you will need to find someone to attend on your behalf and act as your proxy. It is important that the proxy attends the AGM, as failure to do so may affect the standing of your club. Therefore, choose your proxy carefully.
The proxy will represent your views and interests, so be sure to review the agenda and relevant documents that will be shared prior to the meeting. -
The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall be the Chairperson of any general meeting. The Chairperson is not entitled to vote at a meeting of members except in the case of a tie vote on a matter, and then only to break the tie.
A simple majority of the votes cast by the members present, in person or by proxy, shall determine all motions in meetings. Members can vote to approve, disapprove or abstain from any motion brought forward at the AGM.
The Secretary, who has been voted in by the other members of the Board, is responsible for taking minutes of the meeting. The official minutes of a meeting are then posted on the SSU website for reference by all members of the Corporation.