In celebration of #SheridanPride 2021, four talented Animation students created their own unique design for our Pride sticker collection. Some designs are bold, others more abstract, but collectively, they all share an encouraging and empowering feel. Check out our student designers below and look out for the sticker collection at our Swag shop!
Special thanks to Selina, Ri, Apollo and Nicole for their contribution on this project. We are proud to include your work in our sticker sheets and will continue to support the 2SLGBTQ+ community through advocacy, art, and student-led projects.
Are you feeling called to be more intentional in your everyday life? Food can be a good place to start! From aligning food with your values to creating rituals that make eating feel sacred and special, this blog post invites us to explore new practices that can add more joy and meaning to every meal. Read all about it here! ⬇️