A Shared Journey on Friendship and Entrepreneurship
By: Meghna and Althea
"There were times when our student journey felt overwhelming, but through it all, it was very comforting to know we had each other"
We arrived in Canada as international students with our luggage full of our dreams and pieces of the life we left behind. In those early days, everything felt new, exciting and overwhelming. From figuring out how to navigate a different education system to missing the comfort of home-cooked meals, but we both learned how to adapt and find a sense of belonging in our own ways.
When we met at Sheridan, we quickly realized that even though we each carried our own unique ambitions, we shared something fundamental: a desire to make a meaningful impact. Before coming here, life looked very different for both of us: one of us had spent years developing a career in the corporate world, while the other had built a business from the ground up. Stepping back into student life, with fixed schedules and looming deadlines, felt like pressing “restart” on a whole new chapter.
But as time passed, we found our rhythm. The assignments became more manageable, we made new friendships and Sheridan began to feel less like a temporary stop and more like a place we could call home. Then, one decision changed everything: we became Student Ambassadors at Sheridan EDGE. Looking back, we often talk about how that single choice turned into one of the most defining experiences of our time here.
A Leap Into Leadership
When we took on the role of Student Ambassadors, we didn’t just want to add another experience to our resumes. We wanted to make a real difference; to awaken curiosity and ambition in students, and help them see new possibilities for themselves. Our mission was to build a strong, supportive entrepreneurial community that connected students across all three campuses.
“Our mission was to build a strong, supportive entrepreneurial community that connected students across all three campuses.”
At first, we found ourselves stepping into classrooms, setting up booths, and collaborating with organizations like Enactus and the SSU. And as we kept going, something incredible happened: conversations turned into connections. Students started showing up, asking questions, and seeing Sheridan EDGE as a space where they could explore their own ideas. By the end of our co-op term, over 1,300 students had become part of this growing community.
The recognition we received, the Co-op Student of the Year award and a nomination for the provincial EWO award, were both an honour, but what mattered most was the sense of impact. We saw students walk into Sheridan EDGE with doubts and walk out with confidence. And in the process, we were changing too.
Finding balance along the way
After our co-op term, life got even busier. We both took on additional part-time jobs, which meant juggling work, studies, and our roles as Student Ambassadors all at once. There were very late nights, early mornings, and moments when it felt like there just weren’t enough hours in the day. But through it all, it was very comforting to know we had each other.
We became pros at coordinating schedules, sending last-minute reminders, and quite literally running from one event to the next. During this time, we helped organize 13+ student events, managed over 15 booths, and visited countless classrooms. We weren’t just promoting programs, we were building something bigger. We developed tracking systems for student engagement, laid the groundwork for future initiatives, and launched the first-ever Sheridan EDGE Student Advisory Board. Looking back, it’s incredible to see how much we accomplished together.
“The resilience, creativity, and determination we witnessed in our own households shaped who we are today.”
A transformational experience
Sheridan EDGE gave us far more than we ever expected. It gave us confidence, purpose, and a sense of belonging. Through this experience, we met students from all walks of life, each with their own aspirations and stories. Engaging with over 3,000 students opened our eyes to the incredible diversity of cultures, ideas, and perspectives around us; it changed the way we see the world.
For both of us, entrepreneurship was never just a concept, it felt very personal. We grew up in families where we saw firsthand what it takes to build something from scratch. The resilience, creativity, and determination we witnessed in our own households shaped who we are today. Sheridan EDGE gave us the space to embrace that part of ourselves even further.
For Meghna, being part of Sheridan EDGE reignited something she thought she had left behind: the dream of running her own business. The support and inspiration she found in this community gave her the courage to start imagining what that could look like here in Canada. For both of us, this journey has made one thing clear, we don’t just want to follow traditional career paths. We want to build something meaningful, on our own terms.
“This journey has made one thing clear, we don’t just want to follow traditional career paths. We want to build something meaningful, on our own terms.”
A Home Away From Home
Our time at Sheridan has been about so much more than coursework or career development. It’s been about growth, community, and empowering students to see themselves as potential job creators, rather than job seekers if that is their wish. In Sheridan, we realized that we are more than students; we are leaders, dreamers, and changemakers.
And if there’s one thing we hope other students take away from our journey, it’s this: step outside your comfort zone, take the opportunities that scare you a little, and trust that you’re capable of more than you think. Because at the end of the day, we are all more than students. We are the future we choose to create.
Do You Have an Entrepreneurial Spirit?
Got a great idea for a business but not sure how to bring it to life? From hands-on entrepreneurship mentorship to access to funding and expert advice, Sheridan EDGE has your back! Whether you need support with business strategy, measuring your impact, or getting the word out through marketing, Sheridan EDGE is your go-to spot for making things happen.
Follow Majdi’s journey from being a newcomer to Canada to supporting other students and joining Sheridan Edge as President of the Student Advisory Board. Let Majdi’s story motivate you to engage with your Sheridan community and navigate your own path to success!