Your Graduation Guide: Staying Motivated in Your Final Semester



How to Stay Focused When You’re Near the Finish Line

By: Kaitlyn

Students throw there graduation caps in the air

If you’re like me and this is your last semester of school, you understand my current struggle of being so close to finishing. After being in school for the last 18 years I am so ready to trade in attending classes to attending work meetings! Many working professionals I've spoken to have shared with me that they often wish they could go back to their days as a student. While I can understand that perspective, I’m truly excited to walk across the stage at graduation and begin the next chapter of my journey! 

As excited as I am to graduate, since returning from the winter break I have felt a shift in my motivation at school. I think this feeling stems from the fact that I completed my bachelor's degree before starting my postgraduate certificate last fall. It feels like I’ve been attending lectures and tutorials for years without a break (because I have! 5 years to be exact), and I’ve already completed my education. After five years of studying and attending classes, I’m definitely feeling a bit burnt out. However, I'm still excited to continue my studies in public relations at Sheridan over the next month and continue networking with professionals in my field. While I’m confident that I’ll look back on this program with a sense of accomplishment—and perhaps even miss being a student—there are times when it feels a bit draining in the moment. During those moments, I remind myself to stay focused on my long-term goals, beyond my journey at Sheridan.

Planning out my year and setting clear goals for 2025, are some of my key strategies to help me stay motivated and push through these feelings. If you’re also either in your graduating year or are just struggling to get back into the swing of things after reading week, I understand.

Here are some tips to staying motivated when graduation is around the corner:

Download this 2025 bingo card and add your own goals! See if you can check off each square as you achieve new milestones throughout the year, whether they’re personal, professional or something on your bucket list!

Manage Your Career, Financial and Personal Goals

  • Setting clear, manageable goals to work toward throughout the semester is crucial for your success. Without specific goals, it’s easy to feel like you're not making progress. Even something as simple as “earn an 80% or higher in my media studies class” gives you a clear target to aim for.

  • Personally, at the beginning of the year I put together a 2025 bingo card, where I can write down my goals. Reaching these goals will not only boost my confidence but also gives me a sense of accomplishment that keeps me motivated. 

Limiting Social Media Use

  • Seeing your friends on vacation while you are stuck inside doing assignments will definitely make you feel unmotivated to get your work done. Limiting your time on social media will allow you to focus more on school and get rid of your FOMO.  

  • Even if it just means lowering your screen time marginally, you’ll be more present in the moment and enjoy your life without feeling that you are missing out.

person sits on phone with blue background

I know it feels nearly impossible to put your phone down and stop scrolling through Instagram Reels, but trust me, once you cut back on screen time, you'll start to feel so much better about your life! 

Focusing on the Bigger Picture

  • Reminding yourself that graduation is just one more step toward your ultimate goal can be a great motivator. Getting that piece of paper means that you can go on and get your dream job or see the world! There are so many paths you can go on and options available to you after graduation. While some people say that college is the best years of your life - getting out into the world and not being stuck in a classroom sounds pretty good to me!

Person stands in front of hill with blue and green background

Whether you are looking to get a job in your field after graduating, pursue further education or take a well-deserved break, finishing your program strong will set you up for your new journey.  

We all know how challenging it can be to stay motivated during your final semester, especially when the weather warms up and the taste of freedom feels just within reach! Graduation can come with a lot of anxiety but also excitement, like putting on your cap and gown or taking grad photos with your besties! Channel this excitement and anticipation of summer being just around the corner to fuel your motivation and finish strong! Stay focused in that one group project you dread, take in your last moments at college and make sure to celebrate your accomplishments! Being a student is just a brief chapter in your life, so make the most of it and do your best! 🎓



Gear up to conquer this semester!

Looking to improve your academic performance this semester? Explore these blogs for valuable tips to help you excel in the classroom and beyond! ⬇️