Vote For Your New SSU Board of Directors!



It’s your chance to make an impact at Sheridan, and vote for the students you want to represent your #SheridanLife. Don't miss out on the chance to make an impact at Sheridan College by voting in the SSU Board of Directors Elections



SSU Elections Voting period begins on March 24 at 9 am and closes on March 28 at 4 pm EST.

Any full-time and part-time fee-paying Sheridan students can vote in SSU elections. Visit during this time and vote for your new members on the SSU Board.  



Voting Booths on Campus

Looking to vote on campus? Voting booths will be open from Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at each campus! Our team will be there to support and answer any questions you may have. Stop by and cast your vote today:

  • Davis Campus Voting Booths

    • Stop by the Student Centre all week long to cast your vote!

  • HMC Campus Voting Booths

    • Stop by the Student Centre all week long to cast your vote!

  • TRAF Campus Voting Booths

    • Stop by the Trafalgar campus on the following locations to vote: ⬇️

      • Monday, March 24: Stop by the B-wing hallway to cast your vote!

      • Tuesday, March 25 - Friday, March 28: Stop by the booth will move to the C-wing pit.


  • Students will receive the voting link through their Sheridan College email address.  

  • Use your Sheridan login credentials to sign in.  

  • Select 4 candidates to represent your campus on the SSU Board of Directors.

If you'd like to #MakeYourMark at Sheridan, then be sure to visit to learn more about your candidates and get started!