My Experience Managing Student Burnout in College

“Spending time with your friends isn’t always a possibility as a busy student, and it can be very difficult to drag yourself away from your studies, but I have found it to be one of—if not the most important—things you can do.“ Feeling a little drained? We’ve all been there. Read about Cameron’s experiences with student burnout and see how he found a way to manage stress 🧠⛈️

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Travelling to Vancouver Made Me Feel Closer to Home

Will, one of your Clubs Coordinators, takes us with him as he recounts his trip to Vancouver for the COCA conference. What happens when the opportunity to travel and socialize with other student leaders comes up and everything goes better than you imagined? Learn more about how Will opened his eyes to things he didn’t think were possible.

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My Journey to Vancouver: Planning Your SSU Events

Have you ever wondered how the SSU chooses performers to book for events that happen throughout the school year? Ritz, your VP of Engagement, shares her experience going to Vancouver and watching talent showcases to discover good entertainment for the Sheridan community to enjoy. Learn more about the educational sessions she attended and how she’ll do her best as your VP!

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