

“While in school I was working only one day a week and learning to manage a new diagnosis with fibromyalgia, which is primarily a chronic pain and fatigue disorder, that comes with other symptoms. My whole healthcare team, (doctor, counselor, social support) was on campus through Sheridan, and I lost my access to them when campus closed.

When classes were canceled and businesses started to close, my hours went from 5 hours a week to 40 a week as many of the staff can’t work for pandemic related reasons. I’m trying my best to keep my mind healthy and not judge how people are choosing to protect themselves, but working in “essentials” during this is exhausting. Between the increase in customers and product demand, to people using fear as an excuse to be rude or insulting, and the constant precautions to keep myself safe, I am spending all of my non-work hours emotionally and physically burnt out.

On top of working so much, and managing a pain disorder, my broken brain is in a negativity loop. I am afraid that this pandemic is not going to actually change anything. I’m fearful it may make it worse. That when things return, there will be more excess, more greed for power, more inequality, and more damage to the planet. I feel as though this has brought out 60% of people being very kind and respectful of others, and taking things seriously. And the other 40% is self-centered and money-oriented and doesn’t concern themselves with the greater good. And that 40% can be very powerful. It’s very hard to be seeing the bright side of things, and the uncertainty is not easy to cope with. Hoping for a quick summer, already ready to return to classes in September - online or otherwise.”

- Keisha Reilly


Remember, Sheridan and the SSU have supports available for you even though we aren’t on campus! Please reach out to any one of our teams to get the help you need.



Incorporating self-care and wellness practices early on can help you cope with your emotions during this time.



While our campuses are closed, we're still here to support you! Find out how our teams can help.


As a student, you have access to mental health and wellness services that connect you with qualifies counsellors, consultants and life coaches! The service is available 24/7 and is completely confidential.

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