Sheridan Student Union

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“When I was starting out at Sheridanlife Radio I was so excited to have a mug that would have our logo on it. It was like a dream to have that mug filled to the brim with hot coffee, while our station played and podcasts were being recorded around me. BLISS 

3 years later I was sitting in our studio with a mug that had our logo on it. (Which I couldn’t drink out of because we can only have closed water bottles in the studio.) Now I can’t go to our studio but I have a mug with our logo on it that I can drink out of from home. What is the lesson here? Honestly, I am not really sure.

Maybe when I was vision boarding I wasn’t clear enough? 

I think the lesson could be that Our team is still going. Our team is still creating and working together. In 3 short years our radio station has survived a strike, the student choice initiative, and now a pandemic. In those situations we didn’t know how we were going to make it. But our team stayed creative and stuck together and we are working harder than we ever have and we are having fun. These might be very, very hard times but we don’t give up and we don’t stop creating. 

Also now most of our team has mugs which they likely fill with coffee and trust me when they are all caffeinated there is literally no stopping them.”

- Amelia Sher, Program Director for SheridanLife Radio


Even though we can’t be together, we are still one team! And your experience is important to us. Share your story below to be featured on our channels.

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