
“I miss the campus experience, I miss in-class meetings, I miss my colleagues terribly. And this frustrates me a lot because to be where I am now was a dream I have pursued for many years and I wanted that to be perfect.”

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“Being a leader is not just about influencing but also listening. It's about representing the best of everyone. I am here for the best of you and I represent the best in you.  You are beautiful and I love you. Sheridan loves you.”

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“Against all odds I made it. My name is Noel Abingwa and I am hungry to succeed. I was born in a beautiful country in Africa called Cameroon, which unfortunately is currently under the dilemma of civil unrest. Before immigrating to study in Canada, I gave up a year of my life and sacrificed the comfort of being around familiar faces by moving away from my family and friends to the French-speaking part of my country to work on a farm as the farm’s project manager.”

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“When Covid happened I went into the rabbit hole with the political side of the virus. It made me aware of the failures of our governments which made me self reflect on society. What will happen after this? Will we learn to be better or forget it ever happened? It worries me but also gives me hope as to how people stand up to this.”

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“I was homeschooled for grades 9 and 10. With strict and overprotective parents, the two years I was homeschooled I was isolated for most of it. I barely saw or talked to my school friends, I didn’t have a phone or laptop so I couldn’t message them to stay in touch online, and none of them really put in the effort to maintain a connection either. I learned to be comfortable with myself and discovered the depths of my own identity. You learn a lot when you’re watching everyone else progress and move on with their lives while you sit at home feeling stuck and alone.”

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“Over the last couple of weeks and days, my perspective on life and what it has to offer has changed completely. Naturally, just like millions of other people too. With news outlets screaming down my throat on how bad the COVID-19 situation is, with the obvious increase of my anxiousness, uncertainty and discomfort, as well as the constant thoughts of what I think life will look like after this – it’s hard for me to remain calm and tell myself that everything is going to be okay”…

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“Currently, I'm doing pretty well considering the situation we're all in. Once Sheridan was closed down to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, I didn't really know how to feel. I was a little excited because it would be like another reading week, on the other hand, I didn't want my last year of school to finish online!”…

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“I’m good at pretending to be an extrovert but in truth, I love being quietly tucked away with whatever I’m currently entertaining myself with (read: obsessing over). Art, books, games, Netflix, the internet. I can entertain myself forever. Being locked at home is a blessing for me, but not so much for my family.”…

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