Ryan MacDonald

Ryan MacDonald

Manager, Creative

Email: ryan.macdonald@sheridancollege.ca

Tell us about you and your role at the SSU:

“Hello! I'm Ryan and I'm the Creative Manager at the SSU. What that means is I boss around the junior designers, videographers, and photographers who are all responsible for helping me come up with the posters, swag, recaps, videos, photo shoots, and more that you see all over campus. I'm a former Sheridan student myself and love trying to empower my team to create and explore ideas and approaches outside of the rigorous vice-grip of the school semester :)”

What are some of your goals for your role this year?

“Design better than I did last year and also buy more plants.”


Get to know Ryan

What are 3 things on your bucket list?

  • Publish a graphic novel.

  • Travel to outer space.

  • Punch the moon.


Song: Reckoner - Radiohead
Food: Hotdogs
Movie: Uncle Buck
Book: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
TV Show: Seinfeld