The direction that the SSU takes is first approved by students. The SGM is where you can do just that.
Attend and vote on February 20, 2020.
The Special General Meeting will take place on February 20, 2020 from 1 PM to 3 PM at the HMC campus in room A145.
Got questions?
What is a Special General Meeting?
A Special General Meeting (SGM) is a meeting where all members are able to approve changes to the SSU’s Corporate Bylaws being brought forward to the membership from the Board of Directors.
Who can come to an SGM?
All members of the SSU, that’s full and part time Sheridan Students who have paid their essential fees to the SSU, are welcome and encouraged to come to the SGM and vote on the suggested changes.
What can I do if I want to attend, but I cannot come in person?
Members have the option to vote by means of an authorized proxy. That means that if your friend or classmate is going, and you trust them to vote on your behalf for you, all you need to do is fill out a proxy form and make sure they know which way you want to vote for the motion(s) in question.
What is being considered at this upcoming SGM?
Aside from being able to clean up spelling and formatting errors, the most significant changes being proposed to the bylaws involves the composition of the boards officers and the Board ability to fill vacancies throughout the year. The text of all proposed amendments can be found here.
What happens at an SGM?
At the SGM the membership will be able to vote on whether they approve of the suggested changes to our Bylaws.
How many people need to come?
Quorum for any General Meeting is 30 members present in person - including the current members of the board.
How is a motion passed?
A motion is passed by a simple majority (50% + 1) of the votes case by the members present, in person or by proxy.
Why should I come to the SGM?
By attending the SGM you are participating in a democratic process that helps shape the structures and processes the organization follows.
What are bylaws?
A corporation’s bylaws are a legally binding set of rules that can contain provisions relating to the ways it conducts its affairs, the duties of its directors and the responsibilities of its officers and employees.
How do I vote?
We capture all the votes using an electronic voting system. Be sure to bring your phone or laptop to access the voting system.
What’s the difference between the AGM and SGM?
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a mandatory meeting held on a yearly basis where a variety of different business items are brought forward to the membership to be voted on including the approval of the audited financial statements, ratification of the new Board members and/or President, and approving amendments to the bylaws from the Board and the membership.
A Special General Meeting (SGM) is only held on an as-needed basis when new business arises that the membership needs to approve. In this case, the meeting is being called as new bylaw amendments are being brought forward by the Board that require approval by the membership ahead of the 2020-2021 General Elections.
Can’t make it but still want to vote?
Fill out a Proxy form to allow your friend or classmate to vote on your behalf. Click here to fill out a Proxy form.
If you have any questions about the upcoming Special Annual General Meeting, please email: or complete the form below.