Sheridan Student Union

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Thank You for Supporting the SSU Food First Program

Since 1975, Sheridan Student Union (SSU) has been committed to addressing food security concerns in the Sheridan community with the Food First Program

What began as an on-campus Emergency Food Bank has now grown to meet the evolving needs of Sheridan students. Since March of 2020, the program has been adapted to serve students virtually, making food and necessities easily accessible to students when they need it most. 

Every year at the Welcome Back Breakfast, Sheridan invites all employees to give to the SSU Food First Program and we are pleased to see that we kept the tradition alive again this year! Thanks to the generosity of this community, Sheridan employees raised more an additional $1,580 towards the program. That means SSU will be able to provide $50 grocery cards to even more students who are experiencing food insecurity. 

Since the beginning of the pandemic, SSU has provided electronic grocery cards to more than over 1400 students – a need that will continue to grow as more students return to their studies this fall. 

Thanks to you, we’ll be able to continue providing this resource to more students throughout the year. 

Below is a message of gratitude from Sheridan Student Union President, Kyle Budge. 

Thank you, 
Sheridan Student Union

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