Student Support Fund

To my fellow students,

There have been a lot of questions surrounding the Student Support Fund and how students can access this resource post-strike. As of right now, how the funds will be distributed has been mandated through the Ministry of Education and it requires to show proof of hardship only within the criteria of “incremental costs” pertaining to travel costs, living expenses, childcare, and other somewhat undefined guidelines of only up to $500.

Fundamentally, I do not support this approach and am seeking a revised approach that is more equitable to all Full-Time students affected by the strike and more inclusive of student feedback. 

We have shared our concerns with the Ministry of Education and have secured a meeting with the Minister of Advanced Education with the hopes of a revised approach. Going into this meeting, I would love to bring more of your concerns to the table. Help me provide them with a more accurate understanding of the needs of our students.

Enrique Ponce
SSU President
Sheridan Student Union