Sheridan Student Union and Sheridan College will be recognizing the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6.
This day honours the lives of 14 young women who were murdered at Polytechnique Montréal on December 6, 1989. This act of violent misogyny shook our country and led Parliament to designate December 6 as The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
Awareness, Action and Ceremonies at Sheridan
To start the conversation, we are inviting the Sheridan community to engage in 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, starting November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until December 10 (International Human Rights Day). Together we will join the world in raising awareness about gender-based violence by sharing information, resources and calls for action. Our hope is that Sheridan Community members participate in these initiatives and understand how we all have a role to play in creating a campus free of sexual and gender-based violence.
For more information visit @sheridan_college throughout this time. We are also inviting you to participate in person if you can. Here are a few ways to get involved:
On December 6, we remember:
Geneviève Bergeron
Hélène Colgan
Nathalie Croteau
Barbara Daigneault
Anne-Marie Edward
Maud Haviernick
Maryse Laganière
Maryse Leclair
Anne-Marie Lemay
Sonia Pelletier
Michèle Richard
Annie St-Arneault
Annie Turcotte
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz
Memorials on campus:
In addition to the Peace Gardens, which serve as a year-round memorial to victims of gender-based violence at all campuses, you may also choose to attend the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women at the Trafalgar Campus on December 6.
The displays will have photos of the 14 women killed at Polytechnique Montréal, information about the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and white ribbons for wearing in show of your support to ending gender-based violence in our communities.
Resources and Support Links
Sheridan Student Resources and Support
Sexual Violence Response Specialist: or 905-845-9430 ext. 8430
Health Services: Sheridan Health Services can provide medical and mental health supports. Call 905-459-7533 ext. 5153
Sheridan Wellness and Counselling Services: Support for students when you’re feeling overwhelmed, financial stressed, hungry or just want someone to talk to.
EmpowerME: Sheridan Student Union Health and Dental coverage includes Empower Me, which allows students to connect with qualified counsellors, consultants, and life coaches for a variety of issues. As a Sheridan student, you are entitled to sessions delivered in person, by telephone, by video-counselling, or by e-counselling. You can get support for issues of any kind, including relationships, family care, depression, anxiety, addictions, stress, work conflicts, and much more. Contact them at their toll free number, 1-844-741-6389 or visit the Empower Me Login page.
Good2Talk: Provides confidential support for college students. Available 24/7 everyday. Features an “escape button” if you’re interrupted. Call 1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868
Keep.meSAFE Available 24/7 to support International/Multilingual students. Call 1-844-451-9700
Off Campus Resources for Students and Employees
If you are off-campus and looking for support, the Assaulted Women’s Helpline provides 24-hour, 7-day-a-week crisis counselling, emotional support, information and referrals via telephone to women in up to 154 languages.
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Sheridan Employee Support
• Sexual Violence Response Specialist: or 905-845-9430 ext. 8430
• Employee and Family Assistance Plan: The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provides you and your family with immediate and confidential support to help resolve work, health, and life challenges. Call 1-844-880-9142 or visit