Sheridan Student Union

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February 2023: Sheridan Student Union Recap

Say goodbye to February and hello to March! Watch our February 2023 Recap reel with memorable events, staff moments and unforgettable nights. Watch now.

February was full of celebration, advocacy and community engagements. From celebrating Black History Month to supporting Earthquake Relief in Syria-Turiyee, Sheridan Student Union carried out our mission to provide and support diverse student needs and experiences. We are proud to share company-wide wins over the last month, introduce you to our new staff and recognize the talented and hardworking student leaders who make the SSU team all that it is. Find out what the SSU has been up, meet new team members, and celebrate employees who are making an impact!

Departments Wins/ News

Exec Team

  • SSU President, Kyle Budge, attended the Association of Colleges and Universities International (ACUI) meeting to help direct our new student centres and the renovations of our current centres.

  • SSU also made $1, 200 in donations to Red Cross relief efforts to support the families affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria

  • Serendipity’s Instagram page hit 300 followers by the end of February! 300 followers in only 5 months!

  • Throughout the month of February, the Exec and Serendipity teams worked on developing new job opportunities to expand their respective teams. Hiring has already begun, so if there are any Sheridan students interested, apply now.

  • Rhema Javed planned and hosted SHAVS's first big event on Valentine's day 'Speed Dating and Movie Night' in collaboration with the HMC events team. During the event, we received a lot of helpful feedback that we will be implementing for any subsequent event.

  • Julia Bertola connected with the Centre of Indigenous Learning (CILS) and started planning future projects with the team. They also spoke with first-year students in the Social Service Worker program about student leadership opportunities like getting involved with the Board of Directors elections or Annual General Meeting and for job opportunities, cause working for a not-for-profit org like SSU would help them in their future endeavours since a lot of SSW jobs come from that sector!

Services Department

  • MyBoatingCard is a new perk that allows students to save 30% on their boating license

  • Our Perks Fair was a success! We had 12 perks attend and many students loved engaging with them, getting freebies, like free pizza, and learning about what perks are available to Sheridan students

  • Our first ever Community Fair was a huge success as well! We had over 250 students show up and learn about community resources. Some cool attendees include Peel Police, Brampton Fire, and the Miway photobooth which was a HUGE hit with students.

Clubs Department

  • We hosted our Winter Clubs Fair in the first week of February with great success at all three campuses.

  • Our SSU Clubs hosted 23 individual events, get togethers and workshops throughout the month from poetry nights to valentines day events and everything in between.

  • Special shout out to the Hackademics club who hosted their annual weekend Hackville event in February to great success at our new HMC Student Centre.

Events Team

  • Love was in the air with consistent Valentines Day Programming for all three Campuses

  • Larissa Crawford made an impactful keynote speech to support our Black History Month initiatives centered around “Reconciliation. Solidarity. Now.”

  • Sheridan students saw the Raptors defeat the Pelicans during our Raptors Night Out Event

  • We supported and executed the SBSA Afrobeats VS DanceHall Pub Night

Marketing Street Team

  • Our Promo team had a great time interacting and engaging with students during our various valentines day pop ups & events!

  • Our DCC's worked hard BTS to capture content from all of our February events & developed fun and engaging Tiktoks & Reels that highlighted those events

  • Created fun Valentines engagements that encouraged positivity and self love!

Staff Recognition and Shoutouts

This month two new students joined the SSU Marketing Street Team! Welcome to the team, My Giang and Noor Kaur! We also promoted Lexx Senior, from her role as Marketing Street Team Supervisor to Manager of Social Media & Community Engagement. Lexx will directly manage and oversee all SSU social media channels!

See this gallery in the original post

More Staff Shoutouts & Wins :

🗣️ Shout out to Dilas from the Services Team! “Dilas was fantastic at helping us prepare for and run the Perks Fair. She helped us prep when we couldn’t be at the campus the day prior, she arrived early to help us set it up, working her creative charm to make it an aesthetically pleasing event, and helping guide Perks to their respective booth. She didn’t give up in talking to students for the entirety of the event, explaining what the event was, what the Perks Program is, and everyone’s favourite, handing out cookies!” - A message from Amanda Bhajan and Madison Hodgson

🗣️ Shout out to Sarah Stone, Clubs Coordinators! “I would like to celebrate and recognize Sarah, our Trafalgar Clubs Coordinator, this month for all of the hard work that she has put in with her clubs at the Trafalgar campus.  We have seen tremendous growth in clubs at Trafalgar throughout this winter semester and she has handled every email, meeting and scenario that may come her way like a pro.  Big congrats Sarah and well done!”- A Message from Chloe Naftel to her team of Clubs Coordinators

🗣️ Shout out to Muskaan Dave from Events:for being fantastic support for our Sheridan Community during the SBSA Pub Night!” - A Message from Danny Connelly to his SLC team

🗣️ Shout out to Saz McKean from the Executive Team: Saz was selected for two Work Integrated Learning/Experiential Learning awards: first, the 2022 WIL Student of the Year (FHASS) award, and second the 2022 EWO EL Student of the Year for the College category! This is all thanks to their work with Serendipity, Sheridan’s Student NewsMag, which launched in Fall 2022 during their internship semester. Saz created paid internships and job positions for other students while continuing their Executive Coordinator role at the SSU.

🗣️ Shout out to the entire Marketing street team and the DCC's! “They all worked so hard this month trying to connect with as many students as possible to increase our event attendance and social media following!” - A Message from Lexx Senior to her Team

Thank you to all our Staff and Student Leaders for their hard work, laughs and contributions every day. February 2023 was another one for the books, and we can’t wait to see what exciting news is in March.

To stay-up to-date on the latest Sheridan Student Union news, join the community and follow us @the_ssu!

February 2023 Recap >

< January 2023 Recap