
"I am a mature student returning to college. I have given up a home and a life in my home province to move here by myself with no financial support. In the past, I have suffered from a lot of mental illness including depression and anxiety. I have spent my entire adult life fighting against these illnesses and trying to work towards what I am passionate about. 

After eight years of struggling and fighting, I finally got up the courage to come to Sheridan. After hardly a month of classes, I have had my learning ripped from me. In the beginning, I tried to stay positive. I've built up a resilience to negativity over the years and always try to see the bright side. 

Unfortunately, now in week 5 of the strike, that resilience is weakening. Two weeks ago I became depressed. I have no life here. I came here for school. Without it, I feel like I have nothing. After a week of depression and taking myself out of social situations, I considered dropping out of my program. A program I have dreamt nearly a decade about. After a phone call with my family, I was reassured that I needed to stay strong. So I tried again. Only to get news that we would be continuing the strike and that my Christmas break is going to be taken from me. At this point, I suffered a major anxiety attack that I am still coming back from. I constantly feel on the edge of panic. I feel trapped, helpless, anxious, lost, afraid and at times, like my life is meaningless. 

We have been trapped here with no clear idea of what is going to happen for a month, and now they want to take our guaranteed vacation time away from us. Haven't they done enough to the students?! I need that time to go home and be with my family. I have been trapped here and depressed for too long. I need to go home and remember that my life is worth living and that I am on the right path by staying at Sheridan. I am broken. I am angry. I am hopeless. I am done. "