By: Anders Gatten - SSU EVP, Trafalgar
Welcome, new Sheridan peeps, to the Creative Campus.
We throw that title around a lot when describing Sheridan, but the reason we’ve earned it is you. Every year a new group of students walk past that big glowing ‘S’ with a unique perspective, fresh ideas, and that desire to create we all find inescapable. That’s what you bring to the Creative Campus.
What we bring is the opportunity to release that expression and showcase your talent, which is why I’m proud to announce Espresso Yourself. Espresso Yourself is a gallery style showcase where you are given the chance to display your artwork at the Coffee Loft or Bruin Coffee House.
Every month we have a different theme and a different combination of student pieces, whether they be illustrations, photographs, graphic designs, paintings, or anything else that you can upload a digital copy of to our website.
This month’s theme is simple: “Espresso Yourself”. Coffee and self-expression, two of my favourite things.
Now all you’ve got to do is supply the work. Visit our contest page at to see the submission requirements as well as the submission form.
We will be displaying our first pieces in October so get those pieces in by September 30th. I look forward to seeing all the artwork and creating a space that showcases your talent.
Do you often struggle with self-doubt, fear failure or find yourself constantly comparing your achievements to others? You might be experiencing imposter syndrome. Check out Kaitlyn’s tips for students on how to overcome these feelings and build confidence during your studies! 🙌