Learning about the challenges that international students face
By: Maja Sosa
Participating in this extraordinary journey not only expanded my horizons within Canada but also provided an immersive experience of the education sector. It was an honour to proudly represent the Sheridan Student Union and Canada's diverse community of international students. The preparations that began around September 2023 brought together a dedicated team comprising SSU Vice Presidents Cat, Leia, and Ritz, alongside our committed President Kyle. My role focused on marketing, and together, we took advantage of this unique opportunity.
Starting the CBIE 2023 international education conference strong!
Arriving in Vancouver for CBIE 2023 felt like landing in a world of possibilities! Our big mission? To be a friendly source of helpful info for the awesome students at Sheridan College. Getting to chat in various conferences like this was our chance to dive into everything that really matters for students' academic journeys. We talked about the balance of studies and jobs and shared insights on how to handle a busy schedule without losing our cool. Plus, we provided tips on tackling the challenges that international students face when they're finding their way around a new college environment. Some of these challenges include the struggle to save money, finding your identity, developing a new personality in a new language, feeling homesick, alone, and generally overwhelmed.
Beyond the important information for Colleges and Universities, these conferences served as a platform for productive discussions about the emotional toll that such transitions and changes can take on students’ mental well-being. The open discourse surrounding the hurdles that students face during transformative phases added a layer of empathy and understanding to our overall experience. The conversations that I enjoyed the most were the ones that focused on the benefits of marketing and technology for international students.
It was fun to tour the UBC campus with the SSU Execs!
Apart from the conference, we also had the opportunity to visit the University of British Columbia, which was an incredible experience. I have to confess, this was my favourite part of the trip because I dream of one day seeing our student union building and facilities as I saw the ones at UBC—with amazement. Seeing the student union building and facilities on this trip greatly encouraged me to continue working hard for the benefit of Sheridan students.
Looking back on this incredible trip, I'm just bursting with gratitude for being a part of the CBIE 2023 conference. The chance to share what we've learned, soak up wisdom from the conference speakers, and chip in to make our student community happier and healthier has been beyond amazing. One takeaway I think everyone should know is that nowadays, technology is a great tool that can help students achieve academic goals—we just need to focus it in the most positive way for learning purposes, as well as professional development. The idea of teaming up to make a positive mark on the educational scene at Sheridan College gets me super pumped. I appreciate being part of a crew that's dedicated to making the educational ride better for every student. Cheers to making a difference together!
Participating in CBIE 2023 was not just an opportunity, it was a privilege. As an international student, attending this international education conference made me feel a lot of emotions because I could relate to so many of the conference’s topics. I feel much more motivated to keep working for the big international student community. The lasting impact left on our academic and personal trajectories serves as a testament to the transformative power of such conferences. As we move forward, carrying the lessons learned and connections made, the impact of this experience will undoubtedly resonate in our lives, shaping our perspectives and future endeavours in the pursuit of academic excellence and holistic growth.
We believe that the best #SheridanLife is one where students have access to opportunities, experiences and tools that help them grow and serve their fellow students.
That’s why the Sheridan Student Union is committed to offering our student leaders career development opportunities and experiences that help them grow and serve the needs of our students. To read more about how your student leaders are working together to advocate for the best #SheridanLife, visit thessu.ca/sheridanlife.