Sheridan Student Union

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“This is my first time studying after I finished High School, and that happened more than 35 years ago. It feels unbelievable good as much as it is an unbearable challenge. Last semester was the first one and the list of new things I had to learn and deal with was so long that I was sure the Spring/Summer term would come to free me out. I was wrong because this term has been harder. Studying on my own at home is lonely and it has not produced the same results I had the last term.

I miss the campus experience, I miss in-class meetings, I miss my colleagues terribly. And this frustrates me a lot because to be where I am now was a dream I have pursued for many years and I wanted that to be perfect. And I am not talking about grades even though I am concerned about them too. But it is something else and it has to do with pleasure and enjoyment.

Life was funnier before Pandemic, studying remotely is boring and we have no idea how long this will go like this. So I have decided every day I have to get some fun. Not always possible but it is a daily goal. Sometimes is to read my book of choice because it gets on my nerves reading only College stuff. Sometimes I visit Ontario lake by bike which is something I just love doing: admire the view and talk to the water. And as often as I can I call my colleagues. I do not text them, I call them. I inevitably feel better to know they are still around, for me, and me for them. And in the end, I think: "gosh, with this little time we were allowed to be together this year I made this few but true friends, what would be like if we had the whole year? what if we stick together until we graduate? doesn't it sound great? I think it does. Yes, it absolutely does.

- Paula Balieiro De Moraes


Remember, Sheridan and the SSU have supports available for you even though we aren’t on campus! Please reach out to any one of our teams to get the help you need.

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