Sheridan Student Union

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Spencer West is coming to Sheridan!

No Can't, No Won't, Only How:
Overcoming Obstacles to Make a Difference

A talk on redefining the possible.

Thursday, March 16th, 2017
Time: 1:00 p.m. followed by our Annual General Meeting
Location: A145 // HMC Lecture Hall
Guest Speaker: Spencer West from WE
Meet & Greet With Spencer West
Lunch will be provided after Annual General Meeting - SSU Clubs Room

Audiences worldwide have been transformed by a lifelong visionary and activist who has overcome obstacles to make a difference in the world! Spencer West, a top-ranked keynoter and author of the best-selling book Standing Tall is attending our Annual General Meeting & speaking to you on the importance of Overcoming Obstacles.

Spencer’s belief that it is possible for anyone, at any age, to overcome their personal roadblocks, embrace their own leadership skills and become a force for positive change in the world. 

After losing both legs from the pelvis down at the age of five, he entered the world that might have easily defeated him. Rather than giving up Spencer learned that by connecting with others and working to make the world a better place he could transform his life!

Through persevering many obstacles in his life, Spencer West will stand before your eyes and speak on how one can tackle challenge after challenge!

Spencer West is looking forward in seeing you at our
Annual General Meeting on March 16th - A145 // HMC Campus. 
To learn more about our AGM and why you should join us, click here. 

If you can't make it to our AGM, you can watch it live on our YouTube channel, starting at 1:00 PM.