Sheridan Student Union

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"I'm not here for the College during this strike at all - but I'm also not here for the teachers. I'm feeling very betrayed and let down by the entire system at this point during my graduating year and I do not appreciate being pushed to stand with either side - especially faculty who put students in such a precarious position with their studies for 5 weeks. Do I feel for their situation? Yes. Do I agree with them holding students education that they claim to honour hostage? Not at all.

I was supposed to be married this year and now it is all up in the air because the strike will move our plans and potentially threaten the date. Because of this strike my mental health has taken a toll and I know myself and other students have faced dealing with heightened anxiety and depression - and little to no mental health services. We are left with NOTHING. AND THE THREAT OF LOSING EVERYTHING. And if it does pick up again we will be faced with teachers telling us that its our fault if we didn't keep up with assignments or do well enough in the 5 weeks we've been off school. I want to drop out - but my mom is desperate for me to graduate. I'm scared of having a breakdown here."