COVID-19 updates


As of March 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization declared that the coronavirus (2019 Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, or 2019-nCoV) can be classified as a pandemic. As we continue to monitor the situation, we wanted to express our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our students, clubs and Sheridan community.

In consideration of Sheridan’s announcement that all events and gatherings will be canceled until the end of winter term, all planned SSU events and Club activities have also been canceled. With that, please note that our offices and food service operations will be closed until further notice.


For more information and support, you can access both Empower Me and Student Care by going to or contacting:

Empower Me toll-free line is 1-844-741-6389 | Student Care toll-free line is 1-866-358-4430

For updates on Sheridan’s response to COVID-19, please visit:

For updates on Sheridan’s response to COVID-19, please visit:




Additional Resources:


We’re here to help. Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you in a timely manner.

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Which SSU facilities will remain open?

A: Our buildings and spaces, along with all our food services, will be closed until further notice. While our facilities will not be accessible in person, Student Union staff will continue to be accessible by phone (905-845-9430 ext. 2304) or email ( at any time. We would be glad to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Q: Will the SSU be closed for the rest of the semester?

A: Yes. The SSU will be closed for the rest of the semester. We are monitoring the situation and will be acting accordingly, alongside Sheridan College and the recommendations of the provincial government. 

Please continue to monitor our website, social media channels, and your student email for any information that may impact you regarding The SSU and our services.

Q: Which events are still happening?

A: As we follow the guidelines and directives set out by the college, we have cancelled all events, gatherings, and meetings of all kinds until the end of the winter term. For more information regarding events please visit our events page, at

Q: What is happening with clubs and their meetings?

A: In our commitment to your health and safety, we are following Sheridan’s directive to refrain from all non-essential gatherings and have suspended all club meetings and events. Until further notice, clubs should not participate in any meetings or events and all club activities are suspended. 

For more information, or any questions about your club and procedures, please contact the club’s manager (Chloe, at reach out to us by phone (905-845-9430 ext. 2304) or email ( Please check our club’s corner page at for any potential updates on the situation.

Q: How are elections impacted by the college closure and SSU events being cancelled?

A: On March 17, the Board held a meeting to determine the feasibility of running elections. Due to the concerning pandemic with COVID-19, the Board has determined that the elections campaign will be put on hold.

However, after a follow up meeting on March 31, the Board of Directors has decided to pursue an alternate method for our electoral process. This new process consists of an application demonstrating eligibility and qualifications and a Board committee review of applicants. From there, selected candidates will be voted on by students to represent their peers on the SSU’s 2020-2021 Board of Directors. Nominations will open on April 8th, 2020.

Visit our election page here to find out how to apply.

Q: How does this all affect my health and dental coverage? Am I still covered?

A: On March 13, 2020, the Canadian government issued a level 3 travel advisory for all travel outside of trips departing after March 13, 2020. Your travel policy provides coverage for emergency medical benefits; however, it does not provide coverage for travel to destinations for which the Canadian government has issued a travel advisory.

All benefits remain accessible as outlined in your StudentCare benefits package. Be sure to review the information in your Plan’s travel documentation for details and exclusions and check the Government of Canada’s travel advice and advisories.

For any potential questions, or more information, you can view StudentCare’s FAQ page here  or you can call the Student Care service directly at 1-866-358-4430.

Q: What services is the SSU still offering while classes are suspended?

A: Due to the closures and suspensions of services around campus, we are unable to provide our full suite of services. We are doing our best to ensure we provide as much as we can to students and will continue to work with our partners to bring you any updates that may arise. Currently, we are able to provide: 

  • Health and Dental Coverage (with stipulations), 

  • Legal Assistance by phone or email

  • Empower Me services. 

  • Appeals Assistance.

For additional information, you can take a look at our individual services pages ( as we are offering alternatives to some services we cannot currently provide.

Q: Is SSU SafeWalk continuing during this time?

A: During this time you should be avoiding campus as much as possible but in the event that you need a walk to or from any location on campus you will be able to receive this service from Sheridan Security Services. The SSU organized SafeWalk program is not running until further notice. For more information on what is available you can monitor our services pages at

Q: I have been relying on Food First, am I still able to use this service at this time?

A: Our facilities are closed to students until further notice, so we are unable to provide this service in person for students. However, we are looking at alternate solutions and recommendations of other local food banks that you are able to access. For more information, you can refer to our webpage

Q: I still require legal advice, am I able to contact the SSU provided lawyer for legal services?

A: Yes, you are still able to contact the SSU provided lawyer for legal assistance. However, we are no longer able to provide in-person sessions for legal advice. For bookings, or more information, you can reach out by email ( or our webpage ( for this service.

Q: I had a booking for the Tax Clinic, am I still able to have this appointment or what can I do now?

A: Unfortunately, because all events and conferences have been cancelled we are unable to hold this clinic. Students who had a booking will be contacted and notified, but will need to reach out to Paragon Accounting themselves. You can email us at for more information, or contact Paragon Accounting directly by email ( or by phone (647-909-8484).

Q: I have a Grad Photo scheduled for before the end of the semester, will I still be able to keep this booking?

A: Due to our facilities being closed, we are unable to provide this service for students. Lassman Studios will be reaching out to all students who have a booking to provide more information about the cancellation of their booking. When classes resume and the school opens as usual we will be providing the service again for you to rebook your session. For more information, check out our website at or go directly to Lassman Studios at

Q: This is very stressful for me; how will I cope?

A: This is a tough, and uncertain time for every student, but we have services available for you to help manage the stress or cope with any difficulties you may be having. You can check out our Empower Me service, which is free for students who have paid their Health and Counselling Fee (ALL STUDENTS, domestic or international), and will connect you with any service you may need for your mental health, life planning, or dealing with stress. You can find more resources at or you can call them directly at 1-844-741-6389.

Q: I’m in need of appealing some grades, am I still able to get assistance with this?

A: Yes, you are able to recieve assistance and guidenes in appealing your grades. You can contact your campus VP and they will help you through the process. Visit for more informationa.

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