Sheridan Student Union

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Ganyo, SSU President

Get to know Ganyo:

Our President is always happy to connect with Sheridan students. Feel free to share any questions or feedback you have with the team!

Q: What are some of your goals for your role this year?

A: “My goal this year is to support the mission of the SSU and to implement and achieve the strategic goals as established by the Board of Directors to the best of the ability of the organization.”

Q: What's your favourite SSU Food Spot or go-to-meal?

A: The Den

Q: What are 3 things on your bucket list?

1.  Visit the 7 Wonders of the World

2. Become an Author

3. Host a TED Talk

Ganyo’s favourites:

Song: One Love, Bob Marley
Food: Curry Chicken
Movie: The Notebook
Book: In the Meantime, Iyanla Vanzant

Meet the team

Your President works with the VP’s and other student leaders, support staff and Board of Directors to enhance your #SheridanLife!

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