Sheridan Student Union

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Ahmed, HMC Student Life Lead

Get to know Ahmed:

Have questions or ideas for how to build community at Sheridan?

Q: What are some of your goals for your role this year?

A: “One of my goals for this year is to have a Brooklyn nine nine Halloween scavenger hunt!”

Q: What program are you in? And why did you choose this program at Sheridan?

A: “I am in the BBA Finance degree program. I chose this program because I have always been a numbers
guy. Combining this with my people orientation skills, it only makes sense that i choose this, don't you

“What was your first memory of the SSU? How did you discover that the SSU existed for student support?”

A: “My first memory of the SSU was a funny one. I remember going to one of the pop up events that SSU has and ask for directions to a class of mine. They were so kind and supportive and I ended up applying to this
organization after talking to that person at that Pop up.”

What are 3 things on your bucket list?

  1. Skydiving

  2. Scuba diving

  3. Make every wish of my mom come true

Which SSU Perk Partner is your personal favourite?


What’s the best SSU event you’ve attended so far?

“Latino Pub Night”

What’s your favourite SSU Food Spot on campus or go-to meal?

Station Kitchen

Are you a part of any SSU clubs/associations or volunteer work?

“Yes, I am a part of the MSA club”

Ahmed’s favourites:

Song: Sky Full of Stars
Food: Steak
Movie: Your Name
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
TV Show:
Game of Thrones

Meet the team

Get in touch with the Student Life Coordinator team.

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