Sheridan Student Union

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Tristan, TRC Customer Service Representative

Get to Know Tristan:

Customer Service Rep, TRC

What are some of your goals for your role this year?

“This year, my goal is to participate in more events at Sheridan. I want to make a meaningful contribution to the student community and enhance their overall experiences during their time here. Hopefully, I can participate in more extracurricular activities, clubs, and events!”

What program are you in? And why did you choose this program at Sheridan?

“I came to Sheridan to learn Software Development and Network Engineering, I heard the tech programs at Sheridan were pretty good, and I'm excited to make personal projects on the side with the things I'm learning!”

Q: What are 3 things on your bucket list?

  1. Play elder scrolls 6

  2. Make my own game! (and maybe make money from it)

  3. Relearn Vietnamese

What was your first memory of the SSU? How did you discover that the SSU existed for student support?

“SSU members giving me free stuff and telling me about the SSU socials.”

Which SSU Perk Partner is your personal favourite?


What's the best SSU event you've attended so far?


Are you a part of any SSU clubs/​ associations or volunteer work? 

Tristan’s favourites:

Song: Mommae - Jay Park
Food: Pho
Movie: Forrest Gump
Book: Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (10th Edition)
TV Show: Beef

meet the team

Looking to speak to a Customer Service rep at your campus? Get in touch with the rest of the team below.

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