Sheridan Student Union

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Catharina Goldnau

Catharina Goldnau

Honours Bachelor of Craft and Design, Ceramic Studio

Smell of Roses and Princess
Stoneware, porcelain, perlite, glazes, gold lustre

Bottles Earth
Stoneware, porcelain, perlite, rocks, glass, shards, glazes, gold lustre

Artist’s Statement

My work is striving to couple craggy nature with man-made materials, juxtaposing rough clay with porcelain and gold lustre, prompting the viewer to perceive an aspect of earthiness within an object of cultural significance. I suggest that there is room for nature within culture and vice versa, creating a space for humans to exist. Meaning is created in the tension between the two and this debate often meanders into the realm of sustainability.  What is nature’s place in our urban lives? Where is the healthy balance between nature and culture, between nature’s laws and human needs?


Instagram: @catharinagoldnauceramics
Facebook: Catharina Goldnau Ceramics

To submit your own work, you can find the submission form here ➡️