Sheridan Student Union

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SSU Donates to HMC Expansion

SSU Board members and staff with Sheridan representatives (L to R:  Kaushalsingh Devda, Shanise Collins, Rachel Pusateri, Xin Zhang, Muhammad Tayyab Asrar, Michael Burnside, Christopher Berwick, Jeff Zabudsky (President and Vice Chancellor), Nicolas Mazur, Sylvia Ibrahim (SSU President), Lisa Piccolo (Vice President, Advancement and External Relations), Jamie King (SSU General Manager), Krittika Malhotra, Sharon Aitken (Director, Development and Campaign), Marina Qureshi       

The Sheridan Student Union (SSU) has announced that it will contribute $500,000 to the Get Creative fundraising campaign in support of the Hazel McCallion Campus (HMC) expansion.  The gift matches a donation previously made by Sheridan Alumni in support of the HMC project.

“It’s inspiring to see our students, both past and present, come together in this way to help make a difference for future generations of Sheridan students,” said Dr. Jeff Zabudsky, President and Vice Chancellor.  “Their contribution brings us closer to our $9 million fundraising goal, and we are very grateful for their generous support.”

“On behalf of Sheridan students, the Sheridan Student Union is pleased to play a leadership role supporting the Hazel McCallion Campus expansion,” said Michael Burnside, Chair of the SSU.  “We believe it’s important for students to demonstrate our support of this initiative to our community partners, and we’re doubly thrilled that this contribution will match the Sheridan Alumni’s significant gift.”

“We work closely with Sheridan College on a variety of initiatives every day, and it is pleasing to see the Sheridan Student Union recognize that many important Sheridan College priorities are also our priorities in SSU,” said Sylvia Ibrahim, President of the SSU.  “This project will positively impact the student experience at the Hazel McCallion Campus, and I’m thrilled we’re able to play an important role moving this project forward.”

For more Information, read our joint press release here.