Sheridan Student Union

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Nilesh Thakor, HMC Director

Meet your board of directors!

Nilesh Thakor

Board of Director, 2024-2025

Program: Business Analysis and Process Management

Tell us about you and your role within the SU:

“In my role as a board member, I focus on policy development and fiscal management to ensure that we effectively use every student dollar to enhance your university experience. This year, I am particularly dedicated to broadening our cultural diversity and inclusion initiatives. My aim is to create a vibrant campus environment that not only respects but celebrates the rich tapestry of backgrounds and perspectives all students bring to Sheridan. I believe in the power of open dialogue and am committed to fostering an environment where every student feels heard and valued. I encourage you to share your ideas and feedback with me, as they are crucial in shaping an SSU that truly reflects our diverse community. Looking forward to an exceptional year with all of you!”

What is your goal as a member of the Board this year?

“As a member of the Sheridan Student Union Board this year, my primary objective is to cultivate a campus culture that thrives on inclusivity and active participation. I'm dedicated to launching and supporting initiatives that not only advance cultural diversity and mental wellness but also reinforce our academic and communal support frameworks. My goal is to ensure every student feels genuinely integrated and appreciated in our diverse community. By facilitating a dialogue between students, faculty, and the administration, I plan to develop tailored programs that resonate with and meet the evolving needs of our students, maintaining the SSU’s role as a dynamic and forward-thinking body within Sheridan.”

Tell us a fun fact about you:

“A fun fact about me is that I’m an enthusiastic stargazer and amateur astronomer. On clear nights, you might find me miles away from city lights, telescope in tow, charting constellations and tracking meteor showers. This hobby not only fuels my curiosity about the cosmos but also keeps me grounded and reminded of the incredible scale of the universe.”

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