Sheridan Student Union

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Meet Akil, your TRC Event Coordinator

Akil McKenzie
TRC Events Coordinator, Sheridan Student Union 

Tall. Dark. Handsome. Great with women. An amazing dancer. That’s right…I’m talking about Obama.

However, this article is about me so….

Hey, Wassup, Hello! I’m Akil, your friendly neighbourhood events coordinator (Trafalgar Edition). You probably don’t care, so you’re welcome to just not bother reading this…BUT…on the off chance that you may have been wanting to know a little bit more about me…here’s your chance!

Starting with the personal business, I am in my third year at Sheridan College’s Bachelor’s of Film and Television. I make movies, music videos, wedding videos, etc. Filmmaking is my passion. Other things that I enjoy are music (all genres…except for screamo… because it scares me), food (I eat so much that it’s ridiculous), dancing (I never stop), videogames, and poetry. I am fun and outgoing and love to go to all sorts of events and parties. I guess that brings me to the part where I tell you about my job.

I am the Event Coordinator at Trafalgar. I deal with the creation, programming, and execution of events run by SSU. My main purpose is to create events for the students so that everyone is able to have a great time when they’re not stressing about schoolwork. This year I want to focus on the idea of student representation.

Throughout the school year, expect to see me working in public areas near students because I want your feedback. I want the opportunity to include all student ideas to the events that are created during the school year. My mission as an Events Coordinator at Trafalgar is to listen to our student population and to work with you guys to help make events exactly how you want them to be. I encourage all students to come to me with ideas and suggestions because the more demand for an event or activity, the more I can push for it to become a reality. I truly do think this is a group effort, and let’s face it…the more we work together…the more fun we’re going to have! That sounds super cheesy…but it’s true. 

Please keep in mind that not all events have to be party/turn up related. I’m open to all sorts of events from parties, to trips, chill events, and all sorts of fun or educational activities. Hit me up with anything and let’s try to make it work. Plus, if you just want to talk and get to know each other…I’m friendly. I don’t bite!

On a final note… Burger King once asked me, “If you were a whopper, what kind would be?” My answer was, “A FETTY WHOPPER!” …if that doesn’t tell you the kind of person I am, I don’t know what does.

Stay lit,

Akil McKenzie

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