Sheridan Student Union

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What does consent mean to you?

What does consent mean to you?

by: Amelia Sher - Awareness Coordinator, Sheridan Student Union

According to Merriam Webster, consent is defined as “to give approval”, but consent can also mean no. It can mean something different to each of you. The definition of consent is not the fine line that people describe it as in the media.

Consent is a big bold line that affects someone else’s body and being. 

Why is Consent important to me?

Consent is a topic that we sometimes find uncomfortable to talk about, but it is very important and needs to be discussed more within college settings. When it comes to consent, it is important to speak for yourself. In my opinion, consent is important to me because it is universal.

Consent applies to everyone.

What if?

Whether you are a current or incoming student, I want you to feel comfortable at Sheridan. If you or a friend ever need help, we have many resources here to help you. Here are some; 

Counseling Services -  We have an amazing group of counselors at our college that will listen to you and help provide you with resources and tools you need. 

Safe Walk -   If you are nervous about walking to and from your destination, you can always contact safe walk. The SafeWalk program will send a male and female team to walk you anywhere on campus, to your car or to Residence. ( Ext. 4044 at Trafalgar or 4344 at Davis)

SAVIS - If you ever need additional support please contact SAVIS they can help you by providing confidential help.

Why is consent important to you?

Well, Sheridan, I hope that you have taken something from this and will share what you have learned with your peers and friends. 

I have never been so humbled by a campaign. It was amazing to hear what our students had to say. Our leaders, students, peers all had a voice when it came to consent.

I would love to hear from each and every one of you: Why is consent important to you?
Tell us in the comments below. 

Thank you for being you Sheridan! 

- Amelia